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Progressive Web Application (PWA)

What we are going to tell you today can help you in taking any big decision of your business. Generally, every other business nowadays needs a mobile or desktop application. But investing directly in these apps can prove to be very harmful for you at times. We won’t know the customer experience right away, so we may go slowly. In such a situation, a Progressive Web Application (PWA) can help you a lot. So, knowing about it can be very important. Let us know about it in detail.

What is progressive web application?

From the name Progressive Web Application (PWA), we can understand that it is an under-construction app. But under construction means you should never think that it is of no use. It is as effective and powerful as your website.

A PWA is a type of application software distributed over the web that is built using common web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Assembly. It can be used on any kind of platform, whether it is mobile or desktop device. It works by following the protocol of the browser of the device. Since it is a kind of website, it does not require any kind of bundling or distribution. Developers can publish it online by ensuring its basic install ability requirements.

A progressive web application providing service by leveraging the latest and best web and mobile technologies. All you can say is that it is built through web technologies, but it provides the same user experience as the app. There is no need to launch it in any Play Store or App Store, users can directly open the website and install it on their device with the help of their browser. With push notifications and permission to work offline, it makes it as powerful as an app.

A website is estimated to cost between $1,000 and $10,000, while a native app costs between $10,000 and $80,000. And a progressive web app costs between $3,000 and $15,000. Along with all these rates, you will see that a progressive web app provides both the features of an app and the functions of a website. And all this makes it a powerful and useful tool for the users. So, if your business is planning to develop only PWAs, it is not a bad idea as you need to spend on developing the site or native app separately.

Moving ahead, let’s know about some special characters of Progressive Web Apps.

Adoption Environment: Progressive Works for all users regardless of the browser they are using. For example, Google Chrome, Windows Edge, Safari, Mozilla and all others on Android support PWA equally.
Responsive Model: Responsive Progressive Web Apps can fit any type of device. In the same way, PWAs can fit desktop, mobile, tablet or any device to come.
Speed and Experience: Once the rapid initial loading is over, the same content and page elements do not need to be re-downloaded every time. App-like Feelings is like an app for the user with app-style interaction and navigation.
Push Notifications: Engageable features like push notifications make progressive web apps more attractive. Users will be able to add the application to their home screen.
Identifiable as an app: Manifest.json and service worker can be searched as application by registration, and searchable by search engine.
And now let’s try to understand Progressive Web App better through some vivid examples.

In the year 2017, Twitter officially released a Twitter Lite app. It was a PWA alternative to Twitter’s native Android and iOS apps and nothing more. According to Twitter, this app used only 1-3% size of the native app. More fun came when Twitter disabled its legacy website layout on June 1, 2020, leaving the progressive web app version the only option.

In 2021, Apple indicated in the market that businesses should consider using progressive web apps instead of native apps for iOS 13. These actions include purging existing apps from the Store and blocking access to other, corporate apps. Also, they have started adding support for Service Workers and Web Manifest Specification in iOS Safari.

To be honest, PWA is a phenomenal technology. And you don’t need to go full blown PWA to start taking advantage of the technologies involved. You should also know that this article is for a very beginner level PWA. As the competition between brands increases, they are always on the lookout for optimal ways to increase conversions. There are many options available, but Progressive Web Apps offers a cheaper and more viable option.

Our team of experts has immense experience in developing such applications for renowned brands across multiple industries. In addition, we can understand your goals and objectives from your workflow and PWA. We are just one click away from you.

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